Special Offers Sant’Efis Hotel

Special Offers Sant’Efis Hotel

Special Offers Sant’Efis Hotel


Discover the exclusive proposals to make your holiday in Sardinia memorable and take advantage of the special offers of Sant’Efis Hotel to book your stay at the best available rate.

You will be conquered by a breathtaking location with direct access to the hotel’s private beach, an extraordinary Mediterranean garden and a restaurant with a terrace overlooking the sea. You can choose the offer that best suits your needs. Discover the advantage of the offer “early booking” to book your holidays and escape to an extraordinary corner of South Sardinia.

Do not miss the offer “Spring in Sardinia”: designed for who want to enjoy the first warm sun of Sardinia, the green spring, a restaurant overlooking the sea with rich selections of Italian and local cuisine. You can enjoy absolute privacy and be pampered by our attentions.

The offers are subject to availability and daily changes to discover all the details and conditions you can look at our website, to request information and quotations you can contact us directly at +39 0709208181 or write us an email at booking@santefishotel.eu, we will be glad to help you in choosing our special offers.

Special offers Sant’Efis Hotel


Book your stay in advance and enjoy a special 10% discount.

Offer valid until 28/02, cannot be combined with other current offers.

Special offers Sant’Efis Hotel


If you stay at least 5 nights, we will offer you the last night for free (offer valid from 17/04 to 06/06 and from 27/09 to 18/10).

Offer subjected to availability.

This offer is not combinable with Early Booking Offer and with other available offers.

Special offers Sant’Efis Hotel


If you stay at least 7 nights, we will offer you the last night for free (offer valid from 17/04 to 06/06 and from 27/09 to 18/10).

Offer subjected to availability.

This offer is not combinable with Early Booking Offer and with other available offers.

Special offers Sant’Efis Hotel


If you stay at least 14 nights, we will offer you the last two nights for free (offer valid from 17/04 to 20/06 and from 27/09 to 18/10).

Offer subjected to availability.

This offer is not combinable with Early Booking Offer and with other available offers.